Day 17

Today my advisors got a more detailed description of the error in the model code, which indicated that there was an issue with the size and crop of the images. After changing them to multiples of 256 (because of the way I defined the U-Net structure), it now works!

The next roadblock was the computer memory, which I guess can no longer handle running the code. I tried running my training code this morning with my model, but it was really slow and was killed by the time I got back from lunch and the master's thesis defense I went to. I ran it again, but even after two hours it was still on the first epoch, and eventually it also ended because the CPU didn’t have enough memory. I’m using the CPU because the GPU doesn’t have enough memory either (even less because other people might be using it) and the computer in the lab is still broken. I emailed my advisor though and I think we'll work out an alternative tomorrow. I also found out that training can take 2-3 days, which is longer than I thought.

Other than that I worked on the testing code. I’ll have to figure out how to print both the input and output images correctly but that shouldn’t be too difficult. 

The thesis defense I went to today was on different methods of detecting shadows in images using neural networks and other techniques. It was in the Gleason building, but the project had a lot of connections with imaging. 


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