Day 7

I went over my problem statement this morning, and then we went on a field trip to Brian’s lab. We learned about the equipment and some of the experiments going on in visual perception which was pretty cool.

I spent the rest of the day working on the leaf classification algorithm again. I mostly just ran the program repeatedly and then looked at the errors to fix it, which mainly consisted of editing or rearranging the code a few lines at a time. Finally, I got the program to train itself and output data (the epoch, training loss, training accuracy, validation loss, and validation accuracy) in the correct format. The program takes a long time to train, and accuracy is still really low, but hopefully I’ll be able to improve it by making some changes to the network structure. The goal is to get the accuracy to around 85%. After that, I’ll figure out how to test the program and output the images and predictions. And after that is done, I'll hopefully start working on my actual project.

Jocelyn, Hannah, and I also went to the Student Alumni Union (and Ben & Jerry’s!). While the ice cream ended up melting and becoming a mess, it was fun going somewhere different for lunch today. 


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