Day 8

At our meeting today Varun showed us his project, which is making realistic road/city scenes to test an algorithm’s ability to identify vehicles in different conditions.

Then I went back to my leaf classifying. Since I finished coding the basic structure for the training and validation, I played around with the hyperparameters and network layers. I don’t remember if I did this yesterday or today, but I switched to using Cross Entropy Loss for the loss function and Adam for the optimizer. I also took out a ReLU and a Dropout layer, put back the LogSoftmax, and changed up the learning rate. I still need to test other options too. 

After experimenting some more and making it worse, I decided to calculate the accuracy a different way (I don't think I had it right the first time), which combined with some other changes fixed most of my problems, and the accuracy is now around 75%. I then switched to working on the testing portion, which was more time-consuming than expected; I over-complicated one part (transforming the data) and was stuck on it for a while because the data types wouldn't work out, but now that I know that it should go more smoothly tomorrow.

Maybe when I'm done I'll post the results, but for now here's a diseased leaf (venturia, to be exact). 


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