Day 19

I mostly spent the day trying to find a place to train my model. First the system administrators set up a CIS account for me so I could access Grissom, but after many technical issues (computer wouldn’t let me use Grissom, screen froze, etc.) it turns out that Grissom doesn't have enough memory either because of all the people using it (but I appreciate their efforts). Ultimately, we decided the best solution was to install a new GPU into a machine the system administrators have lying around and using that to run my code. They said it should be done by tomorrow afternoon, so hopefully I can train over the weekend. 

Today was also the Undergraduate Research Symposium. I went with Jocelyn during lunch and heard the keynote speaker, Jason Babcock, talk about his research and design of eye-trackers, his company, Positive Science, and his experiences at RIT. Later in the afternoon, we also went to look at the posters and listen to an oral presentation (I was intrigued because part of the title was “Measuring the rat” but it turns out it was cut off and the word was “rate” - it was an interesting talk nevertheless).


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